Special, Outback event & remote location services at Corton Audio...
No matter what the event idea or what it involves, let Corton Audio make it happen!
Our team of experienced crew, technicians and effects personnel can put your event together from the idea through to the final product! We think outside the box using special effects technology, atmospheric equipment as well as equipment design to bring our clients ideas to life!
We can create equipment and event solutions from scratch using steel and metals, timber or other items to create equipment items for non-common events!
Using name brand equipment that is proven around the world! We can cater for all event sizes up to 3,000 people in size depending on your event plan and actual attendance in your event at a time.
No matter what the story line of the event or the location let us jump on board with you and bring the technical aspects to life!
Yes, we design from scratch! With air, gas, sound, vision, lighting and with electricity we design ideas that are different!
To create scary scenes in a remote area, to create a maze event, through to audio development for soundscapes and environmental designing our team will come out to the events site and make your event come to life!
Zombie events
Outdoor events
Halloween events
Scary/horror events
Council events
Themed events
Remote & Outback events
Night and dusk events
Non-common events
Fully trained technicians and backstage crew will develop your event in the safest and most professional way!
Our team includes: audio engineers, video crew, lighting technicians, electricians, effects technicians and we work hard to make your event perfect!
Creating a working environment that is safe for all attending and working at an event is important to us at Corton Audio. Especially when it comes to our special event services which are sometimes considered 'special', 'weird' or 'unknown'... you can be sure Corton Audio treat every workplace with utmost professionalism and safety in mind! Let's face it running cabling, power, sound equipment and lighting through the bush at night with Kangaroos around you isn't a normal event space and it's where we shine!
We help our clients create some awesome events in some awesome parts of the country! Our team can assist with planning and implementing technical services for events in remote areas, bush land areas, buildings and areas not considered normal for events. We can help turn a nature space and location into a real life scary event from scratch!
What we do:
- Plan, Install and run power and electricity for events.
- Plan, Install and operate the audio & sound for events - Including PA systems of all shapes and sizes.
- Plan, Install and operate lighting equipment - Including complete DMX controlled systems, stand alone controlled lighting and effects lighting - UV, Strobe, Flashing lights etc.
- Plan, Install and erect trussing and associated hardware and equipment.
- Run overhead and across ground cabling and cable management including drive over cable covers and safety equipment.
- Plan and Install Generators/Gen-set systems for remote events and sites requiring power.
- Plan and install projectors, cabling, cameras and vision equipment.
- Obtain and test soundscape audio as well as individual site sound effects.
- Undertake events day & night.
We don't stop here... See below for additional special event services.
At Corton Audio we provide complete turn-key event services when it comes to the technical and power aspects of an event! One business covering all the technical, power and audio visual aspects makes running an event easy and seamless! Let us be a partner in making your event happen today!
Our team will come out to your events site with you, undertake a complete site induction and review of the site, talk with you about your ideas, before bumping in the event, testing all of our equipment, running complete dry-runs and safety runs as appropriate, working at all times along side our clients in bringing their ideas to life! We are there from the idea through to the final product and complete dismantle and pack-up post event.
It's important to note that sometimes Corton Audio are required to make certain events sites a 'construction site' for some of our job activities and during certain times of the event such as the load-in/load-out components of the event often due to the erection of equipment, plant, machinery or effects testing that is required. Corton Audio crew hold valid CI (Construction Induction) cards in this circumstance.
Not only do we take care of the lighting, visual and audio components of the event... We can take care of:
- Complete site power distribution and electrical management - Including trained electricians and electrical contractors.
- Special effects implementation, planning and design.
- Scissor lift, Gator/ATV/UTV, generator, 4WD and vehicle hire
- LWB van hire and transport.
- Dogging & Rigging staff and crew
- Trained traffic control and traffic management
- Event consultation and planning assistance
- Specialist contractors.
- Fuel supplies and monitoring.
- Obtaining special gasses, dry-ice and other specialist items.
- Air compressors and associated equipment for special effects.
- Welding equipment, gas and associated fabrication equipment.
Okay, we get it, it's all a bit difficult to understand what we actually do! But to try and assist... Events, power, audio, lighting, sound, smoke, haze, lasers, DMX, projectors, control and vision is our life! We will take care of all the technical and infrastructure components of your "different" event, bringing your ideas to life and creating a successful and memorable event for all is what its all about!