Entertainment Industry Support Services...
Corton Audio recognises the live entertainment & production industry as both a rewarding, yet sometimes very challenging industry for those who work within it! High stress, late nights and meeting deadlines can take its toll! Studies show (from Entertainment Assist) that "Australian Technicians and Crew experience suicide ideation almost seven times more than the general public".
As we have worked within and around the entertainment industry for over a decade we see these statistics as a very scary and sad reflection of the industry. It is time we as an industry begin to reflect that no matter how important a show may be considered to be, money, work demands or the general industry should never take (or attempt to take) a persons life.
The often lonely, dark and hard hours of this industry can take it's toll without notice. Long work hours, extreme pressures, non-realistic work demands and a constant strive for personal best can lead anyone to a place where help is needed.
We could not have a website dedicated to our work in the entertainment and live production industry without quoting the following support services.
If you are about to harm yourself or others call emergency services on 000.
Support Act:
Entertainment Assist:
13 11 14
24/7 phone counselling service plus overnight online counselling between 7pm and 4am
Suicide Call Back Service:
1300 659 467
24/7 free phone, video & online counselling for anyone affected by suicide.
1300 78 99 78
24/7 telephone and online counselling service for men with relationship and family concerns
Direct line:
1800 888 236
24/7 information, counselling and referral for drug and alcohol issues.
Additional Support references:

Disclaimer: Corton Audio has no formal qualifications to deal with issues of anxiety, depression or assistance. We accept no responsibility for any acts or omissions that occur from the information referenced above. Please always seek professional advice, seek help from your GP or contact one of the above support agencies. This page has been developed by Corton Audio as a reference point to the above industry support services.
All graphics, logos and materials displayed above are the respected copyright owners and have been added above for the sole purpose of providing contact information for the respected support services.