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Corton Audio Booking Terms, Conditions & Clauses.

Corton Audio's Booking - Terms, Conditions & Clauses can be found at the link below.

Please read, agree & fully understand these terms and conditions before accepting a quotation. You will be bound by these terms and conditions for the entire length of the project, job, booking or event until payment has been made in full. 

Please note:

Corton Audio payment terms are strictly seven days from invoice issue date (unless a hire).

ALL Hire/s are required to be paid for on collection/pick-up from our warehouse facility.

Late fees & interest is charged on all late or overdue invoices/accounts from the eighth day (from issue date) until paid in full.

Credit account/s:

Corton Audio does not offer credit accounts without prior approval and credit checks.

If you wish to have a credit account or facility with us at Corton Audio please contact Corton Audio manager directly to discuss. 

We thank you for considering and choosing Corton Audio.

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